319 words Endless Heist is making it quite clear how flawed the Heist system still is. 155 words A sincere question to GGG: Don't you find it problematic when one of your most well received league in terms of hype is dead in the water within 3 weeks? 166 words GGG balancing the game around the top 0,1% of players who have huge amounts of time at their disposal is the single biggest mistake they repeatedly make. A simple observation and change in their mindset could imho bring back much needed long-term motivation for the average player. 131 words I don't enjoy struggling in Path of Exile. 142 words [PSA] Neversink filter might be hiding Cluster jewels from you. 119 words This is pure gold 137 words Death's approach brings clarity. This Unique Amulet can be found in Blight-ravaged Maps. 582 words How do I correctly price items for trade? 138 words The one thing I don't get about pantheon... Why on earth cant you just say on the pantheon page which map I need to run? 172 words Never thought I would see it, but recent reviews of POE on steam has now dropped under 50% positive. 163 words Playing a frost blades zerker with 5.8k hp and the monster level 78 Baran feels impossible for me to beat. Help please? 131 words 3.15.0d Patch Notes 130 words POE hasnt survived for 9 years off the story. The campaign is the worst, most tedious and boring part of the game. 171 words Some thoughts from Chris 144 words 3.15 be like PepeLaugh 152 words State of the game 151 words Got my Statue today! 132 words Unidentified items & Lootfilter 132 words Hydrosphere does not double DPS of Orb of Storms 218 words Do Simulacrums NOT drop 1 guaranteed Delirium unique anymore?