140 words In the next games, I hope Game Freak expands the curry dex and makes bigger cuts to the Poke dex. 264 words If Game Freak is cutting pokemon from now on. I want them to have the balls to cut pikachu or charizard in a future game. 184 words Getting back to play Pokemon after Black and White 206 words Sword/Shield Switch Graphics & USUM 3DS Graphics 117 words [Spoiler] Even Pikachu can’t believe it 133 words Got to try sword and shield 150 words Remember this when you are in a comment section, debating about Sword&Shield 210 words [RAGE THREAD] 20 July 2019 163 words Since many people on the outside seem to misunderstand what the backlash is about, I made this chart to visualize the extent of the situation 200 words Am I going crazy? 307 words [Weekly Questions Thread] 01 July 2019 464 words GameFreak right now 229 words I really do hope you vote with your wallets. You should regardless of your stance. 324 words I think a lot of people are missing the point behind the #BringBackNationalDex outrage 131 words I really hope we don't end up finding out that Game Freak pulled staff from Sword and Shield to work on Town. 136 words With the news that only the Galar Dex will be available to send from Pokemon Home in Sw Sh 132 words On the Treehouse, they seem to have just announced that the game will not have all of the Pokemon available 184 words What exactly is an "Open-World" Pokemon game, and why do so many complainers of Gen 8 want it?? 285 words Pokemon Games Are Slowly Progressing 341 words Japan is living in 3018