134 words Long Names Are Long – journal.stuffwithstuff.com 250 words Makers, Don't Let Yourself Be Forced Into the 'Manager Schedule' 135 words Google Chrome's mandatory GoogleSoftwareUpdate APT is responsible for a mysterious wave of unbootable Macs (Whoops! Google Says Mysterious Wave of Unbootable Macs Is Their Bad) 227 words Reference manual for the C Programming Language 1975 539 words Richard Stallman Does Not and Cannot Speak for the Free Software Movement - Software Freedom Conservancy 292 words Richard M. Stallman resigns — Free Software Foundation 139 words Dumb password rules 198 words Former Google engineer breaks down interview problems he uses to screen candidates. Lots of good coding, algorithms, and interview tips. 321 words Remember the post yesterday about a popular NodeJS lib displaying ads? Now remember the left-pad fiasco? Well, meet 'is-buffer', the library from the same developer downloaded 440 million times a month. 126 words Application builds and runs, but window no longer appears, whereas it previously did 126 words Bitbucket kills Mercurial support 270 words You will randomly bomb technical interviews. Everyone does. Here’s the data. 251 words Why it could take days to unsubscribe from an email list 278 words ‘No way to prevent this’, Says Only Development Community Where This Regularly Happens 186 words U.S. attorney general William Barr says Americans should accept security risks of encryption backdoors 122 words U.S. House Committee on Financial Services hearing: "Why was the Rust language chosen? Do you believe it's mature enough to handle the security challenges?" 349 words Boeing's 737 Max Software Outsourced to $9-an-Hour Engineers 154 words The author of uBlock on Google Chrome's proposal to cripple ad blockers 205 words A Programmer Solved a 20-Year-Old, Forgotten Crypto Puzzle 531 words Calibre recommends piping "wget --no-check-certificate" into "sudo sh" to install it