585 words Do you ever question yourself? 255 words I told my therapist about how my mom kicked me out and then texted me less than a month later telling me I should come visit. He told me I was "biased" against her and she wasn't seeking narcissist supply 474 words Why can’t I wear makeup around my father. 187 words If you have a narc near you, disengage in conversations. Use the grey rocking technique. Do everything in your power to appear uninteresting. You cannot win in a conversation with them. They live in their own reality and even statistics and facts wouldn't let them see any other reality than theirs. 250 words Being the first person in my family to break our generational trauma, but also REALIZING AND ACKNOWLEDGING that there is trauma 149 words Nmom cried to my friend and told them what a terrible son I am when I went to the bathroom. Now friend is on her side. 168 words Mom ruined birthday surprise friends planned for me 137 words Legal liability if you refuse to take care of elderly parent? 146 words Did anyone else sense that something was clinically "off" or "wrong" with their Nparents as far back as they can remember? 148 words Why are abusive mothers coddled so much? 154 words What was the worst “punishment” that you got from your nparents and why? 140 words How do you change inner voices? 128 words Did y’all grow up feeling like you were always spied on? 160 words so nmom called me this morning to say we need to have a serious talk. 205 words What traits have lingered for you after *years* of NC? 222 words Question again looking for more engagement 148 words i’m scared to become my mother 144 words How do you react when friends explain a situation with their children and they sound like nparents? 155 words Anyone else’s parent threaten to “give you up for adoption”? 576 words How has being raised by narcissists affected your relationships?