125 words MRW she’s starts going on about “quantum healing crystals” 226 words MRW I'm an Elon Musk fanboy and someone lists the numerous reasons why it's almost impossible to colonise Mars within our lifetime 167 words MRW people are shocked that Trump got almost 70 million votes 182 words MRW The Supreme Court inevitably shuts down ballot counting in a swing state and gives the election to Trump. 199 words MRW the White House says they will no longer provide intelligence briefings on election security to congress. 128 words Voting for Trump in the election even after the POTUS just told people to inject themselves with bleach. 152 words MRW everyone is stocking up on toilet paper but I have a bidet. 141 words MRW I'm at the gym working out and see a fat person walking in 124 words As a Gen-Xer, sitting to the side and watching boomers and millennials fight 240 words Cats reaction to smelling durian fruit 231 words MRW a new customer of mine is a Black girl who's really into Black activism and Black power on IG, but she tells me she has a White boyfriend during conversation 132 words My butthole's reaction when I try a spicy new Indian dish. 232 words MRW my boss tells me that because of my insanely hard work I've become too essential of an employee, so he can't allow me to transfer to the open higher level position 172 words MRW I find out the drop dead gorgeous girl I never thought I had a chance with likes me. 150 words MRW reading Trump's Iran tweet as a healthy 19yo male 234 words MRW My Friend Says Flat Earthers Actually Make Some Good Points 257 words MRW I hear Trump say to a dead soldier's grieving widow "He knew what he signed up for" 198 words MRW Woody Allen warns of 'witch hunt' over Harvey Weinstein 178 words MRW Trump says we will be allowed to say “Merry Christmas” again. 209 words When someone in class challenges the professor with "As a mother..."