278 words Boyfriend (21M) is stonewalling me for a lie. Said I’m dead to him. 136 words She loves me, but won't date me because she is afraid to lose me 149 words Why do I feel uncomfortable after kissing my boyfriend? 221 words Alcoholic friend (40sM) went on bender on camping trip - how do we go forward? Can/should we invite him back? 342 words What do you think of couples living together and using separate bathrooms? 142 words I (F24) feel like my husband (M25) doesn’t enjoy being around me. 128 words What if I'm not ready to date again but at the same time feel extremely lonely? 155 words My[29M] gf[29] texts with her gym monitor and it is making me insecure 130 words Fiancé dropped a bomb 1,002 words We broke up, but she still loves me 131 words [23F] my boyfriend [23M] has never introduced me to any of his friends but they all know of me 345 words moved in with my boyfriend after 4 months of dating and I’m regretting it 139 words I [42/F] don't want my bf [42/M] around my roommate [40/F] How do I bring this up without sounding crazy? 167 words Relationship Communication Issues - fixable or is it a sign he’s checked out? 129 words Help me understand 176 words I'm so tired of my girlfriend getting fatter and fatter 430 words My (21f) parents make my bf (22m) sleep in the childhood guest bedroom 164 words I [28M] found my partner's [24M] reddit account, and I'm unsettled by some of his comments there 514 words We (43F, 45M) have allowed my wife's brother (37M) to stay with us after he fell on hard times. We want him to live with us permanently because we like him, but he refuses because he thinks its out of sympathy and he doesn't want to feel like a freeloader. 223 words Friend has female best friend so I turned him down for a date