307 words New Theoretical Study Sheds Light on How Information Escapes from Evaporating Black Hole. Physicists used a new spacetime geometry with a wormhole-like structure to show that information is not necessarily irretrievably lost from evaporating black holes. 204 words Transgender and nonbinary youth who received gender affirming medical care experienced greatly reduced rates of suicidality and depression over the course of 12 months. 235 words Revolutionary new weight loss shot helped people lose 15% of their body mass 120 words Court-related fees imposed on misdemeanor defendants saddle them with debt, place them at risk of ongoing court involvement (through new warrants and debt collection), have no crime deterrence impact, and do not meaningfully lead the state to recover the costs of trial. 235 words Both Republican and Democratic politicians benefit from having wind turbines in areas they represent. More wind energy infrastructure equals more votes for incumbents. Addition of at least one turbine within a precinct increases incumbent party’s vote by an avg of between 1.8 and 9 percentage pts. 146 words Twenty-six percent of Americans ages 18 and up didn't have sex once over the past 12 months, according to the 2021 General Social Survey. 158 words In each country and region, more boys than girls aspired to a things-oriented or STEM occupation and more girls than boys to a people-oriented occupation. These sex differences were larger in countries with a higher level of women’s empowerment. 248 words Increased Risk of Carditis After COVID-19 Vaccination With a Messenger RNA Vaccine and an Inactivated Virus Vaccine 126 words Most White Americans feel safe in interacting with police whereas most Black Americans feared that police would kill them and hurt their family. "Approximately half of Black respondents preferred to be robbed or burglarized than to have unprovoked contact with officers." 152 words Study: School days should begin later in morning. School closures had a negative effect on the health and well-being of many young people, but homeschooling also had a positive flipside: Thanks to sleeping longer in the morning, teenagers reported improved health and health-related quality of life. 152 words Dogs notice when computer animations violate Newton’s laws of physics.This doesn’t mean dogs necessarily understand physics, with its complex calculations. But it does suggest that dogs have an implicit understanding of their physical environment. 140 words Ancient Greeks didn’t kill ‘weak’ babies, new study argues. 147 words A study published on Thursday found more than 27,000 deaths in Scotland have been prevented by Covid vaccinations. Researchers estimate that 86% of deaths in Scotland among the over-60s were averted by vaccines. 119 words 38% of US adults believe government is faking COVID-19 death toll 178 words Researchers have found that that making vaccination a requirement for work, attending school, or travelling is likely to be successful in promoting vaccination, more so than either giving people freedom to choose or reminding them of the freedom the vaccine might confer. 183 words Analysis of data from 6.2 million people finds no significant associations between mRNA COVID-19 vaccines and serious side effects 241 words When people are shown an economics explainer video about the benefits and costs of raising taxes, they become significantly more likely to support more progressive taxation. 401 words Reducing sugar in packaged foods can prevent disease in millions and save $160B 129 words Anxiety disorder symptoms are more common among those with left-wing political views in Great Britain. People with clinical symptoms of anxiety disorders tend to express higher concerns about economic inequality and the environment, according to new research published in the Journal of Psychology. 124 words Former SARS patients who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 appear able to fend off all variants of SARS-CoV-2 in circulation, as well as ones that may soon emerge, a new study suggests.