183 words How do I stop feeling sorry for myself? 224 words If I get "time scammed" by another book, I am gonna scream 173 words One of the biggest things I’ve seen that are holding MEN back………IS PORNOGRAPHY!! **MUST READ** 174 words I’ve been lurking here for a while and read a lot of posts and comments about women 251 words I have been up for over 2 days straight soaking up the guilt. I ruined the best years of my life and I will never get them back. The future will never be good now. I have no clue how to get past this, all I can do is punish myself. 236 words To anybody struggling to find love or affirmation 216 words Depression/Anxiety is destroying me and my hope. I want to get better already but getting impatient 232 words How to be thick skinned? 139 words Ghosted everyone 246 words No Fap is kind of nonsense. 129 words Here I am. I give up. 196 words Is it time to give up? 135 words What's been your biggest struggle on self-improvement? 160 words I am 13 and I want to ask a girl I like out. But I don’t know what to do I live in rural Ireland and there is nothing to do. How do not get nervous as well I need help 127 words The concept of alpha/beta/sigma males is bullshit. Independent, self-assured, centered men aren’t concerned with labels 256 words Guys iam absolute loser and i need your advice 155 words How do you deal with impostor syndrome 140 words Should I give up on my dreams because of i'm black? 206 words Why don’t guys find me pretty 148 words Today I realized that no one cares and I have to save myself.