157 words Did I do something wrong? 162 words Why do people always say “You’re not funny” after I say a joke? 383 words Social skills are like a house. If your foundations are missing, nothing you do, say or try will work. Tips & tricks i've learnt through many years of coaching, therapy and psychology courses on how to get started. 615 words What are good questions to ask to start a conversation with others? 218 words How do I talk to person who believes in conspiracy theories? 129 words Roommate backstabbed me 236 words How to seem sophisticated and high class even if you're poor? 152 words why are my “friends” mad at me for downgrading them from good friends to just acquaintances? 113 words Very anxious about this 522 words I creeped a girl out at work. I feel super bad about it. I usually have very good judgement, but I feel like I'm losing that and letting my personal life affect my work. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do to correct this behavior.. just need some advise. 127 words Is it weird to ask a stranger for a hug? 234 words People do not initiate any sort of convo with me at all 127 words How do I approach women in public? 165 words Crush making eye contact but never initiates talking? 158 words “What’s the book about?” (rant/advice) 284 words Hate how common ghosting is, or people who take too long to respond hoping you get the hint 191 words Do people actually like to hear their name?? 119 words She, my female friend doesn't feel safe with me while going out! 149 words Does anyone else literally have no friends? 146 words why do people think introvert means shy or quiet