124 words r/canadacoronavirus mods are killing people by censoring science 333 words I got banned from r/rant for asking a fucking question. 451 words WTF is up with R4R??? 332 words u/FreeSpeechWarrior discovers that admins are privately scoring subs based on how much they censor. They retaliate for this transparency and ban him from r/modhelp. 307 words CTH is every day full of new violent public calls to murder and mass genocide, highly upvoted on daily basis, however Reddit admins break their own rules to protect them at any cost 135 words Got banned from r/offmychest for commenting in another sub 249 words I was silently banned from r/askphilosophy for three days for comparing belief that Marxist predictions about communism might still come true to a superstition that Elvis will return. Then I was banned permanently for asking mods to stand by that decision and announce the ban in the tread. 152 words /r/aww moderators refuse to unban me because I post "anti-pitbull nonsense" on reddit. 249 words Admins must have messaged /r/fuckthealtright. As usual, they're lenient to these psychos, but the real kicker is that the moderators all but dog-whistle on how violence to right wingers isn't wrong. 223 words #ModtalkLeaks What are Modtalk's thoughts on the New York Times article describing reddit as a 'den of toxicity' for this sites hosting of many altright/white supremacists spaces 190 words Today I was perma-banned from r/magicTCG. I did not break any rules and the mod didn't even try to justify the ban. 239 words r/atheism mods ban for saying "screw you" to someone who was essentially "victim blaming" me for being angry for being discriminated against. 177 words This /r/Videos mod behavior is worrying. Can they ban you for simply messaging them? 202 words Just r/politics upvoting literal propaganda to the front page. 253 words /r/politics moderation in a nutshell: hate crimes by Trump supporters? perfectly allowed. Hate crimes against Trump supporters? completely removed. 626 words Yet another subreddit who bans those who support Trump. 358 words I got a pm from someone claiming to be a /r/the_donald mod. 460 words Permanently banned from /r/europe for posting on /r/subredditCancer 634 words Banned from /r/Sex for "hate speech" 454 words Mods of /r/science continue to remove posts of Marijuana despite meeting sub requirements.