179 words Something needs to be said, some of you don't want to hear it, but you need to. 254 words It's so hard to deal with the pain and hurt 191 words EXACTLY how to do a thorough search through cheaters phone? 197 words My fiancee cheated on me with my cousin's wife 237 words What to do with information gained by snooping? 117 words Now I don't care anymore. 125 words red flags commonly found in cheaters 382 words I knew it and he admitted it. 136 words Does anyone feel like gaslighting is worse than cheating? 143 words My Story...Please help 135 words It’s his birthday tomorrow 149 words The person I cheated with is borderline obsessive and I don’t know how to make it stop 190 words i was cheated on 2 years ago and now i wanna be the “other woman” 125 words Really feeling down and I'm just done with it all. 296 words Pregnant wife had a 5 month long affair 417 words For people who decided to stay after your partner cheated…how do you get over the paranoia and hypervigilance? 222 words Severe anxiety after wife cheated entire marriage 239 words It’s been almost 4 years , I still can’t get over it. Does it get better ? 180 words He (34M) blamed his depression as the main reason for lying about his partner being dead & wants to keep me around as a friend because I (30F) helped him with his depression 205 words Since I can’t post my original story (idk why), I just came here to look for support. I think my bf 3,5 years is cheating and I really need support right now