331 words "Wu-Wei" doesn't mean "Go With The Flow." It's closer to "Amor Fati" from Stoicism. 131 words How America will Die According to Alan Watts 174 words Asking ChatGPT about Daoism 150 words What version of the Tao Te Ching has excellent commentaries on each of the verses? 111 words The ancient Taoist masters would have found gender dysphoria to be a natural state, and therefore wouldn't have found it to be something needing to be changed for themselves. They wouldn't have been bothered if others decided to change themselves. They simply wouldn't have cared in the slightest. 220 words Siddhartha by Herman Hesse is among my favorite books that I’ve reread many times. On the Buddhist subreddit it pops up every once in a while and most claim Hesse is espousing less a Buddhist philosophy and more Taoist. Would you all agree with this assessment? 141 words ADVICE: for a while, I was mad with grief, but grief is not alien from the Tao, and so I ask . . . 195 words Friendship in Taoism 351 words Do you need do be a theist person to be a Taoist? 184 words The Shortcomings and Trivials of Daoist Philosophy 193 words Do I lost qi while typing? 144 words Taoist advice on uncertainty and impatience relating to my situation. 199 words Just got done with Dune Messiah and this quote from Hayt/Duncan Idaho resonated with me the most. 201 words Does Taoism impact other aspects of your life outside of your view and attitude on life? 167 words Moral Dilemma On Taoism 216 words Share: who are you guys and why did you decide to follow the Dao? 801 words hey r/taoism, I need some advice 421 words Applying Taoism to my life and career 329 words What is the proper position of the yin and yang symbol? 983 words The Tao of "Something that has been in my head today"