208 words Why don’t I have someone to love? Cards, “You got daddy issues girl!” 354 words OCD and Learning Tarot 338 words "Weekly Reading and Interpretation Help Thread - February 26, 2023" 181 words "Weekly Reading and Interpretation Help Thread - January 08, 2023" 169 words Reading for my LDR BF's relationship/ dynamics with a "friend" 157 words "Weekly Reading and Interpretation Help Thread - November 27, 2022" 142 words Reversed ace of pentacles as aan answer to a "how" question 145 words Last week I made the decision to cease contact with my (now ex) best friends following a series of toxicity. Decided to my deck if I made the right decision: 118 words Not feeling the “psychic” part of tarot 204 words Anyone care to share the story of their journey w tarot? 143 words "Weekly Reading and Interpretation Help Thread - August 21, 2022" 121 words "Weekly Reading and Interpretation Help Thread - July 17, 2022" 337 words Hi guys , so basically i am new to tarot and i wanted to hear your opinion on these cards that spread out. I was asking if i should continue dating this particular guy. I would appreciate if anyone could help me :) 114 words "Weekly Reading and Interpretation Help Thread - May 22, 2022" 128 words "Weekly Reading and Interpretation Help Thread - November 07, 2021" 118 words "Weekly Reading and Interpretation Help Thread - July 18, 2021" 196 words Experiencing some turbulence during my saturn return and asked for some clarity. 302 words Second Opinion, Horseshoe spread relationship reading. I asked what I could do to fix things. 304 words “What do I need to know about this relationship?” One of the clearest, yet impossible to read spreads that I’ve gotten. What am I missing? 196 words simple 2 card pull about my current stressors in college