159 words [Japanese > English] [Morse > English] [Musical notes > ?] 154 words [Japanese > English] Someone Translate this IG Mini Cooper IG Post? Please and Thank you. :) 157 words [Japanese>English] Can someone please help translate this text? It is the top of a box and the card inside a gift that appears to be from an officer in the Japan Army to an officer in the US Army. TIA! 130 words [Korean > English] Can someone translate this passage about Hayarigami's cancelled Korean localization 146 words [chinese > chinese] I need the characters that are written on this scythe so I can copy paste them because I need to make a digital replica. Someone said they are the traditional directions and I’ve managed to get a few but some I can’t figure out! Thank you in advance for the help! :) 117 words [English > Japanese] I translated a few sentences, I need corrections 156 words Here are links to video compilations of Japanese anime characters speaking regional dialects on Niconico. Can you please translate the videos and give me English-translated information off them? 312 words [ Portuguese > English] Letter to my late grandfather. Whose children and family are implied? We are wondering if he has another family in Brazil. 190 words [Hindi? > English] What did this say? 146 words JAPANESE to ENGLISH: Trying to purchase a vehicle from Japan. Can anyone translate this form? Thank you!! 107 words [Japanese > English] Can Anyone Translate this from Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood? 119 words [META] Become a Verified Translator on r/translator! (take 8) 381 words [French>English] Sorry in advance for the lenght 215 words [Unknown>English] Please Translate. Asking for a friend 226 words [English> Japanese] Looking for opinions on how to translate this phrase. 193 words What is this kid saying? [Unknown > English] 143 words [Chinese > English] 260 words [Audio] German<English 117 words [Spanish > English] Help me translate this please? 117 words [Japanese > English] Need help with an onomatopoeia