128 words So much hopium delusion. Fact: Ryan Cohen filed to sell (proof + explanation + explaining why so many got it wrong) 124 words $GME/AMC is so last season. $BBBY/FUBO is this season. 178 words What Are Your Moves Tomorrow, August 10, 2022 164 words AMC - Terrible Quarter 155 words My life is over.. Hopes and dream are crushed. It was a nice life while it lasted. Farewell all, it’s been a fun journey. 144 words Elon Musk backing out of the Twitter deal was the equivalent of backing out of a used car sale after looking under the hood. Also, this could result in lawsuits from advertisers because they now know how broken Twitter’s engine is. 408 words What's your trading motto? 283 words It's good to have perspective, sometimes 364 words You people underestimate the power of spite. 150 words Degens have broken RH in the past, but I just broke IBKR…. 244 words GME long term is a speculative bet at best, but can anyone prove a serious short term bear case? 309 words What Are Your Moves Tomorrow, May 12, 2022 142 words How many of you here have actually fucked your lives up due to the huge losses in the market? 123 words What’s with all the political bullshit recently? 241 words Why GME is the next TSLA. A case for going LONG GME. 163 words I'm down $31,000 in the last six months, 4 bd apt in my city raised by $170,000 in the same period. I earn 6 figures and will never own a house, we are all screwed. 233 words What Are Your Moves Tomorrow, March 02, 2022 161 words Can someone explain how Russia is paying their 150,000 soldiers in the field? 139 words POV: you enabled options trading 48 hours ago 194 words Daily Discussion Thread for February 24, 2022