222 words Question about the expansion of space, I'm clearly missing something, but what is it? 120 words How far if possible are we from interstellar travel? 167 words Question from a firefighter 141 words Kirchhoff's Law, circuit with resistors and batteries 133 words Female physicists 104 words What is the relationship between the classical field and the quantum field ??? 116 words What important questions aren't being asked and talked about in physics? 128 words This problem is supposed to be so simple, but it's REALLY bothering me 211 words Does time travel violate conservation of energy? 366 words What are the most fundamental and important formulas to know for a career in aerospace 132 words Is there anyone who can help me get into a top 10 Physics University 161 words Do we have any reason to think humans will never be able to change the laws of physics? 156 words Question about time 121 words I think I unified physics, but surely that is nonsense. Can someone correct me? 120 words A charged black hole is accelerated by the gravitational field due to some other body. Does this gives rise to radiation from the charged BH? If so do the photons from this process escape? Is this related to Hawking/Unruh radiation? 148 words Newton's Law of Cooling 152 words What is the Stark effect? 282 words Put simply/intuitively, what is the principle of least action and why do we need it ? 137 words Bohr orbit electron speed 173 words Liouville's theorem - please disprove my counterexample