301 words What are some common bad C++ practices in the tech industry? 260 words Keeps skipping getline(cin, bookTitle); 802 words I'm trying to combine two of my codes namely, rock-paper-scissor(PlayerVsPlayer)(PlayerVsAI) but I can't seem to loop each games separately(loop the game again if Y) from Main Menu where it will all start (separate loop to main menu if N) please help me, I tried explaining all of their functions 126 words Default constructor not initializing array member? 185 words Function to create objects keeps making the same object 257 words Binary Search Tree question 124 words Calling Win32 APIs from an empty project 127 words Memory allocation exception safety 179 words [Win32, GLFW3] Help to remove the white top margin on Win32 window 658 words First Program: Need advice 136 words Why do we only use virtual destructors when we have virtual methods? 240 words Need some help with loops and converting a sentence of any size to uppercase, lowercase, and backwards display 132 words Running a loop for each member of a class? OpenGL 103 words Segmentation Fault with merge sort for doubly linked list 250 words Interesting hack to dump binary contents of a function. 353 words How to create an average based on inputted information? (Beginner) 135 words Wrapping a member in an external function to be passed as a function pointer 191 words Array of pointers 307 words Still in desperate need of Caesar cipher help - repetition in output 114 words switch is just a fancy goto, right.