284 words Killed Henry in 1452! 178 words Trade capital movement math help? 414 words Imperial Germany, Sanic Fast! (1646) 502 words First time player - Confusion with colonies, trade, power usage and states 530 words EU4 - Development Diary - 4th of August 2016 377 words My unimpressive first Ironman finish 306 words You should be able to convert religiously without inciting rebels 431 words EU4 - Development Diary - 10th March 2016 372 words Idea Groups Discussion: Part 12 of 19 - Quantity 403 words Civ 5 player just starting to get into EU4 looking for help understanding basic gameplay mechanics. Much appreciated. 1,127 words Your top 3 tips/tricks for new players? 306 words 'Who am I? What year am I? How am I doing?' weekly thread : January 05 2016 368 words Veterans of EU4 - What's one thing you wish you knew in your first hundred hours? 295 words So I finally decided to try get the "Sweden is not overpowered!" achievement, I just got my freedom from Denmark and allied with France... 462 words Hey /r/eu4. Could you help us finish our master thesis? In exchange we want to give away 300$ worth of gift cards on steam. 447 words Hey /r/eu4. Could you help us finish our master thesis? In exchange we want to give away 300$ worth of gift cards on steam. 392 words Westernizing as Eastern Tech: The Math 715 words So I randomly decided to look to the east and see this. What the hell Serbia? 379 words Paradox Celebrates International Women’s Day With DLC 141 words Own Event doesn't work