136 words Anyone learn React from Angela Yus web dev course, what did you think? 126 words Conditionally rendering components, but code is bloated with booleans and states, is there more efficient way? 120 words Beginner's Thread / Easy Questions (June 2022) 255 words Redux Toolkit, can I add a new property to an object dynamically? 130 words I can't figure out where is the problem 129 words Which packages/tools do you regular use for most projects, and which ones you don't recommend? 171 words Newbie here: How do I export data from one component to another? 309 words Enzyme is dead. Now what? 277 words Could not pass Turing.com React test any suggestions to practice? 143 words Tech-oriented job boards with quality offers and salary ranges disclosed 215 words Need help How to use useReducer and useContext for screen resize event listener? 230 words Should I use React-hook-form or write my own input and validation code? What is preferred in the industry and what do you suggest? 147 words Changing Lanes: How Lyft is Migrating 100+ Frontend Microservices to Next.js 208 words Opinion on using outdated tutorials? 116 words Failing job interviews? No feedback to improve? Here's a technique to learn from rejections 109 words Beginner's Thread / Easy Questions (May 2020) 215 words I'm having hard time understanding the difference between Server-Side rendering and Client-Side rendering. Could someone please explain ? 132 words Dan Abramov doesn't like Redux anymore? 222 words Beginner's Thread / Easy Questions (October 2019) 274 words Why React Hooks?