47% Win rate... That sucks.

If no lane is gankable, I would still opt to control river and protect my lanes over farming jungle. And I mean "heavy" protection. Like scouting the opposing jungler, warding a jungle side, scuttle and etc.

Principally if your top laner picked some lane bully(which is common nowadays). If he gets ganked and loses lane than he'll have lost all the purpose of his pick and you'll be playing that match 4v5 from that point on with the opposing top getting stronger and stronger and your top getting weaker every second. Plus you pretty much lose control of riftH and possibly your top side jungle if your mid loses as well.

It's ok, in my opinion, to allow your top laner to be ganked when you are doing stuff in bot side, but it's def not ok to let him lose lane when you are doing raptors because you might lose control over one entire side of your jungle for those raptors. In the end, it just doesn't pay off.

This season has a lot of lane bullies dominating the meta and almost every single one of them is a snowball match up. Farming is almost never the best option.

Imo, it's the worst season for junglers honestly. Not because it is hard to climb, but because the meta doesn't allow a lot of smarter playstyles.

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