Am I the only one tired of all the hub videos

Like there are still fans justifying the creatures cringeworthy sponsor videos and borderline greedy changes to their videos (yes, the shortening and lack of numbers) by claiming they need to make money to stay afloat.

You do realize they are a business, right? They want to make a profit. They need to make a profit.

Well maybe I'd accept that if they weren't buying hundreds worth of bath bombs to waste in one video, hundreds worth of stuffed bears to literally sit in a corner, and hundreds worth of toys that Novas just going to hit with an effing axe.

Jesus fucking christ, you are dense. You know what they did with all those things? They produced videos. Videos that made them back a profit and covered the expense of buying the item itself. The didn't buy it just because they have buckets of money lying around (spoiler alert: they don't).

All of that money could have gone towards a good PR rep to let them know how how not to shout the word jigaboo, wear blackface

I am definitely going to need a citation on that.

, fat shame,

My god, you actually are serious, aren't you? "Fat shaming" is not a crime, and it isn't something everyone else needs to stop doing just to fit your sensibilities.

or say that a female game character looks like a RAPE VICTIM.

Was it a joke? I bet it was a joke. Let me guess: you were offended. Well, that means exactly jack shit. Nobody has to pander to you. The narcissism is overwhelming in this whole thread.

Its making the channel look like its struggling to stay relevantt and I think we can all agree that it isn't working. How long are they going to ignore the fact that it just isn't working?

Oh, it isn't? Is that why the channel is growing in views and popularity? No, what you mean to say is "I don't like it and therefore it is not working." Well, sorry buttercup, but it is working.

If anything, I think the creatures themselves are being nostalgic for a time when their channel was thriving and their fan base was more benign and in less of a state of unrest.

Right, it was "thriving" with less views, fewer subscribers, less content, and periods of inactivity.

This is your nostalgia, pure and simple, not matter how much you deny that it is. You want the channel to be more like when you first started watching, because you have good memories of it back then. You don't like the new content because it isn't the old content. You don't like the new dynamic because it isn't the old dynamic.

You don't like the 'new' creatures because they don't rush to fill your every whim for their channel.

You don't like the change.

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