As a catholic - why are you against abortion?

I'm not sure what's wrong with praying for more abortions? I didn't think I was being antagonistic.

I will also pray that you love LGBTQ+ individuals, and I will pray that you support cannabis legalization as bonus prayers.

"Dear God, please hear my prayers. I am thankful for abortions and that so many women have the choice to make this important medical decision if they wish. Thank you for answering my prayers in Ireland, oh God you work in such mysterious ways. God, I would like to offer up "polychaos" to you oh lord. Please bless them with the desire for more abortions around the world, available contraception, and safe sex. Dear lord the most high, please pray that "polychaos" also comes to accept LGBTQ+ individuals and accepts their natural sexual desires. Please help "polychaos" accept cannabis use oh lord. All in your name... The Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit.. Amen."

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