Could Kanna somehow help Kratom withdrawals?

You might wanna try Ultra Low Dose Naltrexone (ULDN), that's been helping me deal with a slightly excessive Kratom usage. I actually just dropped back into a more regular usage (1 cup 2x daily with 2 capsules of homemade extract instead of 3x daily). I take 60 micrograms at night and sometimes 7 micrograms every 4 hours during the day if I want to potentiate it. Too much will dull the effects slightly but if you hit the sweet spot it massively potentiates it while also relieving withdrawals.

I also take polygala 100mg 3x daily (nmda antagonist, triple reuptake inhibitor, maoi, and D2 antagonist which has neuroleptic effects without horrible sides) and I recently tried adding memantine (also nmda antagonist + D2 agonist) onto that at 5mg daily and had basically 0 urge to go for the 3rd cup. It builds up over time, and each person's sweet spot is different from what I've read. I dissolved a 50mg tablet in a water bottle I bought at the store that was roughly 500ml, that's how you get the super low concentration. Then get a couple 1ml oral syringes to dose, and start with 5 micrograms at first.

PS: If you have horrible sweating like I do you might want to try sage capsules. I would legit soak any clothes I wore and couldn't wear button-ups at all in the heat

/r/Kanna Thread