DayZ - Rave


import time

INSTRUCTIONS = '''There are 14 items needed to defeat the game. Get all 14 items

before you reach the boss and win the game.

Move Commands: go north, go south, go east, or go west.

Type ? to get instructions.

Type look to show current location'''

INTRO_TEXT = '''Enter your name!



'walk': '''The dark road which is illuminated singularly by the moon leaves odd menacing shadows

that surround {name}. The wind is now blowing crisp and strong. Strange noises come to your ears from time to time. {name} spots a driveway off to the right. As {name} approaches you see an open gate which is overgrown with tangling vines. Looking down the driveway you see a light, but the source is unknown. You slowly ascend the driveway to what you assume is a house. Traveling up the driveway you see the remains of beautiful collection of topiary evergreens, overgrown but the forms still visible you. To the right you see a leaping fox springing towards the stars, a little shaggy. To the left, a dancer mid twirl dancing to some unknown beat. There are many geometric shapes, some have pieces missing or are misshapen.


'wait': '''{name} waits well into dawn before help arrives. You are tired and sore from the long night in the cold. The police stops to call a service truck and finally you arrive home before noon. {name}, what a boring night!





'Foyer': {

'description': '''You are in a grand Foyer. Four pillars stand around the rubble of what would

have been stairs. There seems to be no way up to the second floor. On the wall,

there are paintings of landscapes and tapestries

/r/KobiLDN Thread Link -