As a non messianic jew, i have a question. do you believe that jesus is part of God as a trinity?

The word Elohim is plural. He makes clear distinctions between when it’s Eloah vs Elohim. Elohim means “The mighty Ones” — he’s referred to his plurality numerous times in JUST the Tanakh itself. The term “trinity” is definitely a catholic concept but there is a “Right Hand” aka Yeshua that’s mentioned numerous times. Go read the book of Yeshayahu to be mind boggled. YHWH is father in one form, mothering spirit as the Ruach and the son aka warrior messiah as Yeshua. The same way some of us are children to our parents, cousins to our cousin, and maybe a sibling to another sibling but still the same one person. When you interpret the different forms of YHWH in the way I gave as an example before, it makes the concept easier to digest without making the mind explode.

/r/messianic Thread