Re-posting this great post here to make sure the Tubby Tyrant sees it since it was a great response to another asinine Joe Ho comment that was so quickly down-voted that the whole thread is orphaned and collapsed, and I think he needs to see this: (also, can't wait for the video Happy Yukkee!)

Wow all of that could have been summarized with "I'm very obsessed with Joe Symon and I'm a bitter bitch because he didn't pay any attention to me"

It's all perfectly fine with me. Post away!!! My board will be up and running in a few days time and I'm going to make sure that all of those threatening comments and comments in which you one particular badass vowed to ruin Joe's life forever, you know the ones that were edited out of the pathetic videos on this board, in an attempt to commit fraud and try to spin a narrative that you're all just so damn innocent and victims, yeah all of that is going to be posted on my board. You probably should have taken into consideration that someone probably took screenshots of all the fight picking, threatening and making the choice to try and ruin Joe. Since you love truth so much and you believe in fighting for the cause, I'm sure you won't mind a bit that I post all of the bullshit you thought no one had. Also, speaking of "PUBLIC" since proof that Michael is the bulk of names on this board and all the information was obtained legally, it'll be Public on Reddit as well. Can't cry doxxing now and in any case you're committing crimes daily so the internet needs to be warned about you. Look at it like this, I'm saving people from having to deal with you and warning them how insane and dangerously obsessed you are.

I figure that you can be the laughing stock of the internet for pushing a bullshit story that hundreds of people hate Joe. Knowing it's one man and a couple of pathetic, lonely old bags with no lives and no friends, it will be quite amusing for the internet to see the ridiculous obsession displayed here hourly. Oh yeah and that disgusting profile I found for Michael showing he has a sick obsession with the cannibalism and literally roasting women over fires, it'll be posted too. When people who come into your lives find out how sick you are, I'm sure you won't mind having my board at the top of your Google results will you? So go ahead and post all of your pathetic videos and keep them coming. Within my legal rights to exposure, oh I mean "Freedom of Speech" it's all about to come out in the wash. Happy Holiday's and be sure to send my condolences to your parents for not having an abortion.

/r/WatchingJoeSymon Thread