350 words /u/tbri's deleted comments thread 350 words /u/tbri's deleted comments thread 348 words » 6 Things You Can Do To Get More Women Into Magic 315 words Defining Inferiority and Superiority? Promoting Equality or Celebrating Difference? What do you think? 335 words "to let fact checking define the narrative would be a huge mistake" 323 words Defining Inferiority and Superiority? Promoting Equality or Celebrating Difference? What do you think? 326 words Do non-feminists on here agree with the statement: "On the aggregate, men are more violent, because sexually dimorphic species tend to produce males that are predisposed to violence." 297 words "Things we won't say about race that are true" (Ethnicity Thursdays) 344 words Do non-feminists on here agree with the statement: "On the aggregate, men are more violent, because sexually dimorphic species tend to produce males that are predisposed to violence." 594 words Do non-feminists on here agree with the statement: "On the aggregate, men are more violent, because sexually dimorphic species tend to produce males that are predisposed to violence." 546 words Do non-feminists on here agree with the statement: "On the aggregate, men are more violent, because sexually dimorphic species tend to produce males that are predisposed to violence." 521 words What should the MRM's next step be? (x post mensrights) Feminists or feminist leaning what are your thoughts. 463 words Do non-feminists on here agree with the statement: "On the aggregate, men are more violent, because sexually dimorphic species tend to produce males that are predisposed to violence." 286 words updated my Thunderf00t criticism playlist 361 words Men tell women to "toughen up and ignore" issues like cat-calling because that's how they're taught to deal with their issues. 930 words College Professor Bans Student From Discussion Portion of Class After His Questioning of Rape Culture and Rape Statistics Made Women in the Class Feel Uncomfortable. 482 words "Feminists don't hate men. But it wouldn't matter if we did", by Jessica Valenti 669 words Infantilisation 562 words Sex is a Social Construct 628 words [Women Wednesdays] Is Hillary Clinton Only Meant To Be A Foil For An Eventual Male Nominee?