183 words Alt-right including InfoWars spreads LIES and encourages violence against peaceful antifascist demonstrations planned for 4 November. They're going to try to provoke us so we snap at them and look like the bad guys. Don't give in. All these fascists are bound to lose when faced with peace and love. 185 words THE FRINGE INSURGENCY Connectivity, Convergence and Mainstreaming of the Extreme Right 176 words /r/uncensorednews mod /u/NiggersFuckingSuck launches a new news sub: /r/NigWatch 166 words Trump-Russia investigators probe Jared Kushner-run digital operation 187 words "As mods of /r/europeannationalism, we want to express our condolences to the families of all the white people who senselessly died in this fire. No one should have to share their living quarters with shitskins." 167 words FALSE FLAG ALERT: Alt-right German man disguised himself as refugee to carry out at terrorist attack in order to make refugees look dangerous. The alt-right is now officially committing acts of terrorism to make people afraid of refugees. 220 words r/Le_Pen use a map of the births of babies with risks of sickle-cell disease in France as the map to search where should be dropped tactical nukes 292 words I think this picture speaks for itself. 274 words She's doing her part 190 words hey welcome everyone from the trending subreddits thing 178 words Among an FBI investigation, legislative failures, and now Flynn asking for immunity, this is literally T_D right now... 191 words Any ideas on how to help crazy alt-right friends 769 words Traitor. You don't have to upvote this to get it to appear on google when you search for traitor. It's already there when you google the word traitor. 211 words President Trump’s blaming the Democrats for Cabinet delays that are normal — and his own fault: It is so pathetic that the Dems have still not approved my full Cabinet,” the president tweeted. But he has not provided paperwork on two nominees 198 words Trumpets waved the Confederate flag and a shotgun at a black child’s party. Now they’re headed to prison on terrorism charges.