771 words The Romans supposedly built temporary forts every night while on campaign. How elaborate were these forts, and how did they construct them? 217 words I am a Medieval con artist who wants to pass off a chunk of old wood as a piece of the True Cross. How do I go about doing that? 795 words How long after the rise of Augustus did it take the average citizen of Rome to realize that they no longer lived in a Republic? Would it be clearer to patricians than it was to equestrians or plebs? Were there any expressions of dissent, and if so, what were the consequences for the dissenter? 202 words Why has Mexico become a great power and developed nation in the world like USA and Canada? 262 words Are any "ground to air" aces recognized throughout modern military history? 200 words Where did the term 'Basileus' come from and why did it replace Caesar? 158 words My history professor stated today that Columbus and his men killed between 2 and 8 million Native Americans in a 2-3 year period, and only a small portion of those deaths were from disease. Is this claim accurate? I cannot find a source to validate it. 194 words I see more and more internet historians claiming ancient peoples were nearly as rational, irreligious and pragmatic as modern Westerners. How accurate is this? 306 words [Historiography I guess] "Feudalism never existed": let's start with the basics? 201 words What books would complement or improve my understanding of Nazi Germany? 388 words The "germ theory of disease" Wikipedia page suggests that germ theory had many antecedents (people talking about "pestifera semina") going back to antiquity. Why was miasma theory popular as of the 19th century? 462 words Why did the United States and Great Britain acquiesce to Soviet domination of so much territory at the end of WWII? 633 words Cannibalism under Maoist China 258 words Not sure if actual history, but was there a culture with a god-like Prince sacrificed for bad harvests? 305 words How exactly and when did the term "Bohemian" start to refer to nightlife, drinking and social culture, beyond the original meaning of "person from the region of Bohemia", the Czech region? What led to the association? 383 words Why, in a history point of view, is Germany called Allemagne/Alemania in latin languages, Germany in English and Deutschland in German 585 words How many "Canadian-born" troops fought in the War of 1812 307 words I'm a roman soldier looting Carthage at the end of the third Punic war. What items might I look for to maximize my take? 162 words Ottoman Devshirme system is often described negatively with words such as 'kidnapping' or 'stealing' yet Bosnian Muslims demanded that the system include them after their conversion. How was this system truly seen by the those affected by it? 185 words The Nuremburg laws of 1935 in Germany required proof of family history without Jewish Heritage in order to get married. What happened if you wanted to get married during this time but were an orphan or illegitimate?