147 words Was Genghis Khan considered a pious and moral man by the standards of his religion? 142 words Why didn't America rebuild post-Soviet Russia much like we rebuilt Japan and Germany? 180 words Is modern Alexanderia built by Alexander the great ? 736 words What weapons and armor did the Scottish use in the 11th century? 311 words What influence did the Achaemenid Empire have on the region of Punjab during it's existence? 240 words Short Answers to Simple Questions | August 12, 2020 341 words Why did Germany recognized the holocaust (and even made monuments to remember it) but Turkey to this day still denies the Armenian genocide? 111 words What resources were vikings raiding for? 152 words Did Jesus think he was the son of God? Did he want his followers to break away from Judaism? 144 words I've heard the claim that in the middle ages, married women were "encouraged" to take female lovers rather than male since there would be no risk of pregnancy. Is there any truth to this at all? 286 words In 30 minutes, at 8:30 PM EDT, /r/AskHistorians will be going dark for one hour in protest of broken promises by the Admins 577 words What happened in terms of rape in Berlin at the end of WWII? 580 words Do countries ignore patent laws during war? 265 words Rome still survives, almost three millenia after its founding. Tenochtitlan was destroyed, and Mexico City was built in its place. What's the difference in practice? 543 words Why did the word "tea" to describe all sorts of infusions catch on in countries where the tea plant never did? 114 words Did Prussia win the Franco Prussian war, or did France lose it? 356 words Before Christianity, Greeks buried their dead with coins in their mouths to pay the ferryman in the afterlife. But coins were only invented at the end of the 7th century BCE. Was this a tradition that postdated the invention of coinage, or an existing tradition adapted to include coinage? 115 words Is it true that during the 1960s there were Chinese villages that still believe the Qing were in charge? If so how were these communities so isolated for so long ? 331 words According to Marx, Socialist revolutions were supposed to originate in wealthy, industrialised and urban states like the German Empire. Why then did almost all Socialist revolutions happen in states that lacked these conditions, like Russia? 983 words How did the post World War 2 popularization of the automobile change American standards of etiquette?