308 words I am NeuroBill. I'm a neuroscientist who had worked Down-under, in Europe and back down-under again. Ask me anything about cellular neuroscience, working in three countries or having two passports! 794 words Our sky is blue, can we determine through atmospheric testing or something what color other planets sky would be? 339 words According to the theory Earth's magnetic poles flip about every 450,000 years known as " Geomagnetic reversal", if Earth's magnetic field is due to rotating molten iron in our core, does it mean the magma starts to rotate immediately in opposite direction at that time? 225 words If we are rotating around sun in elliptical orbit and sun is at one of the focuses of ellipsis, then why don't we get period of very high temperatures and very low each year for both hemispheres? 416 words Why is it that the de facto standard for the smallest addressable unit of memory (byte) to be 8 bits? 340 words Is there a maximum gravity? 457 words If after splitting Uranium, you get energy and two new smaller elements, then what does radioactive waste consist of? 388 words Why do sheets of glass stick together? 468 words By considering entropy, why don't oil and water mix? 382 words If a hummingbird is in a car traveling 100 mph, and the car stops quickly, will the hummingbird hit the front windshield? 531 words If a hummingbird is in a car traveling 100 mph, and the car stops quickly, will the hummingbird hit the front windshield? 341 words If a hummingbird is in a car traveling 100 mph, and the car stops quickly, will the hummingbird hit the front windshield? 691 words Do black holes have a temperature? 341 words Does every place on Earth receive the same hours of sunlight per year? 313 words Why do airplane cabins pressurize to something other than the ground air pressure? 384 words Why does gravity exist? What makes mass attract other mass over an infinite amount of distance? 312 words Is milk good for you? 332 words Why are General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics incompatible? 300 words Why are General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics incompatible? 318 words What exactly makes light refract when going from one medium to another?