154 words Peter Todd: "BU remote crash DoS. WTF bug: assert(0) in an if branch obviously controlled by untrusted network input. Looks like this remote crash DoS has been in Bitcoin Unlimited for almost a year, and probably longer." 286 words Vitalik : 'Just to be clear: this is pretty close to having 100% of the dangers and 0% of the benefits of a hard fork' 291 words - @Blockstream raised their series A at 1/15 of Bitcoin's market cap. Product is control of Bitcoin itself - Super obvious! Tell the truth! 175 words By removing sendfree, Core is creating a permanent split in the codebase. 184 words This is Bitcoin evolution! Dev teams need to be diversified. 201 words 10% better exchange rate on BTC-Bank and Bitcoin-PayPal trades 272 words Most brokers in the bitcoin space do not say who they are 228 words Most brokers in the bitcoin space do not say who they are 240 words The first proposal for the BTC Forks Roadmap is now up on github for discussion. Give us your thoughts! 231 words Can we not have egomaniacs, ex-cons, and scam artists leading efforts to fork? 360 words Whats Wrong With This Idea? 335 words I believe the network will eventually have so many problems, that an increase in blocksize will happen. But 2MB is not enough, lets push for 8MB or 20MB instead 473 words Jameson Lopp: "[...] /r/bitcoin: walled (curated) garden /r/btc: thunderdome of people pissed off about the former" 224 words This should be fixed imo 359 words Clearing the FUD around segwit 1,140 words Quantity not quality 778 words I disapprove of Bitcoin splitting, but I’ll defend to the death its right to do it. (Response to Brian Armstrong) 1,127 words BitFury Consensus Roundtable Recordings Here 362 words It's all about *cooperative* implementations. More than a single implementation can exist and developers can contribute to all of them! 384 words Reviving the "Bits" Discussion