183 words How is speed determined in space? 348 words Chandrayaan-2, India's second lunar exploration mission, on 22 July 2019 at 2.43 PM IST (09:13 UTC). It consists of an orbiter, lander and rover. Here is its trajectory. 1,048 words First-ever image of quantum entanglement published today. 149 words Why are we trying to colonise mars or even the moon, when the ocean surface and Saharas are completely unoccupied, account for more surface area than mars and moon combined, are extremely close by and have much more hospitable environments? 669 words Signaling the universe 110 words Venus surface photo made by Venera-13 (1983) 381 words Nasa awards first contract for lunar space station - Nasa has contracted Maxar Technologies to develop the first element of its Lunar Gateway space station, an essential part of its plan to return astronauts to the moon by 2024. 175 words These Chinese Companies are Testing Reusable Space Rockets 134 words To mark its 29th anniversary, Hubble took an incredible picture of the Crab Nebula! 190 words It amazes me how many ppl don’t understand space like at all... 185 words MIT grad Katie Bouman, 29, is the researcher who led the creation of a new algorithm that produced the first-ever image of a black hole 127 words How Spacecraft Docking Mechanisms Work - Docking vs. Berthing explained 365 words Vice President may tell NASA to accelerate lunar landings: "We're tired of generating PowerPoint journeys that don't go anywhere." 138 words Finding the Shape of the Universe 125 words Every visual simulation of big bang is misleading, as it shows the "bang" from far away perspective, like viewer is watching it from a distance. The fact is that there was no such perspective available. There was no space outside the bang to stand at and watch the explosion. 160 words Scientists may have solved one of the biggest questions in modern physics, with a new paper unifying dark matter and dark energy into a single phenomenon: a fluid which possesses 'negative mass". This astonishing new theory may also prove right a prediction that Einstein made 100 years ago. 337 words Europe unveils design of reusable rocket that looks a lot like a Falcon 9 103 words Would it be easier to travel to a habitable planet or terraform an uninhabitable one? 202 words By the time Saturn V cleared the launch tower, it had already burned 4% of its fuel 215 words We are 'well on our way' to finding alien life, says Nasa boss