10 weeks of SL on a cut. Change program?

I'm also trying to cut weight while doing 5x5, it's frustrating to say the least. From my experience and from what I've read, we're not going to make gains (at least as expected) until we ramp up or calories.

It's more important to me right now to continue (however slowly) to lose weight so I've just been doing "what I can" with 5x5, meaning moving up 5-10 lbs per month vs per week. I've honestly been surprised at how well I can keep my levels up while losing weight (I'm currently 6'3, 215lbs) . I can only measure "losing weight" by ab definition and pants-fitting at this time, as while my OHP and Benches are suffering, my squats/DL's/rows are progressing all the same so there is some muscle growth still happening.

I can't make a recommendation as I'm not knowledgeable enough, but I can give you my $.02: 5x5 works for me because it's a straightforward workout plan than has an app I can follow, and I can add in other workouts on top of that. I work a lot and when it comes to things outside of work I appreciate the rigidity and straightforwardness that 5x5 has. I can just go into the gym and do what I need to and leave.

Just realize that you're going to fall behind in your progress, if not fall behind overall in your weights. I went from 135 OHP back down to 95 and am only up to 125 since cutting calories a few months ago. It's frustrating to say the least, but you have to remind yourself that you're approaching two goals at the same time that are conflicting with each other. Isopure (carb-free) protein powder, peanut butter and regular butter on top of your vegetables can be your friends.

If I could go back to before 5x5 with what I know now, I would've definitely just concentrated on cutting weight so that I could fully concentrate on gaining muscle afterward. But, here we are... It's a good opportunity to concentrate on your form with with lower weights though!

Can't wait until I'm finally at ideal weight so I can ramp up again. Good luck, I hope you manage it a lot better than I have!

/r/Stronglifts5x5 Thread