Free Talk Friday

I have exams in 2 weeks, need to start studying properly.

Story from this week: I was out at night with a couple of friends. I was on one bike, while my 2 friends were on the other bike. Well, they weren't bikes, but mopeds ( I know ). Let's call my friends, friend A and friend B. We were riding around the downtown area of the city, and we pass through the old town. The streets are narrow, and there is a car moving slowly ahead of us. We reckon the driver is taking the piss, because he is trying to block us from overtaking him while his friends sitting in the car are laughing. We manage to finally overtake him after a few minutes of trying. Friend A, who is driving the other moped, being the idiot that he is, flipped the guy off. We then went into another area of the city, just riding about through alley ways and such for the next 10 minutes. We then pull up onto a road, and discuss were to head off to next.

Suddenly, a car pulls up across the street, and a guy comes out full rage mode, yelling stuff. We didn't pay much attention to it at first, and then we realised it was the guy we over took from before. He is charging at friend A, who is still on the bike with friend B sitting behind him. Friend A tries to speed off, but the guy manages to get a hold of Friend B sitting at the back.

I am suddenly panicking, and trying to ride close in order to knock the guy off from them. One of the guy's friend comes out of the car, and is running towards them too. The sight in front of me was a bit scary, but in hindsight, a pretty funny one too. Essentially, I was watching a grown man clinging onto 2 teens on a moped who are trying to escape. He is trying to keep up with them, running awkwardly while trying to throw friend B off the moped. Somehow, friend B maintains his balance and manages to get free from the dude's grasp, and they move out of his reach. The guy stumbles a bit, and is shouting at them, with his back turned to me. I hit him on the back with a swinging hook as I speed past him, and join my friends who are waiting a bit further down the road. We speed through various narrow streets in order to make sure we are safe. The other guys were in a car, and there was a bit of traffic, so there was no way of them finding us. We pull up to a stop, and just start laughing trying to comprehend what just happened.

/r/chelseafc Thread