Any Ashtanga classes or studios in Atlanta, GA?

It sounds like you’re a BY student. Coming from personal experience, it’s very cultish over there. By the tone of your comments it’s abundantly clear you’re definitely part of the Marsha cult.

It’s sad that students from BY would find it appropriate to smear other teachers and feel the need to “warn” others. It’s a very us versus them mentality which is at the heart of cult behavior. You’re acting like a flying monkey which is a tool to seek acceptance from your master, aka Marsha.

The fish stinks from the head down, which doesn’t speak highly of your teacher especially when you find it acceptable to run a smear campaign on other local teachers.

I’d recommend doing some self work and look within in an attempt to find out why you would give yourself over to another person and act out in this way. You’re far too valuable of a human to give your power and morality away like this.

Healing is possible.

/r/ashtanga Thread Parent