We are looking for a new moderator to join the team!

/u/mikejohnno /u/DjMikes

Hi guys, seeing this almost a week later has me slightly worried, not going to lie. If there's truly nobody up for the task, I'd like to help out where I can. I don't have moderating experience, nor do I have too much time to dedicate, perhaps a few hours a day where I'm able to check on things, and well the race weekends. Yeah I'm not the best candidate, but as it seems we didn't get many great candidates anyways, and as we've said in the past, this sub could do with a few new pairs of hands.

Having said that though, I please really consider /u/balls2brakeLate44, if he wants to be a moderator here still, obviously. I'd love to be helping him out as well, he's had great ideas.

I'm not really affiliated with anybody, nor do I have a bias. Just from being a subscriber here, you start to see people who do care about Lewis and the sub, people who bring content etc

/r/lewishamilton Thread