Why GaaS Should Challenge Your Perception of Capitalism

Capitalism is about generating profits. You generate more profits when you beat the competition. You generate the most profits if you establish a monopoly, and can thus dictate your own terms (and prices). It's great for the corporation, and the corporation will do everything it can to preserve its monopoly (its position of power). This is why we have cartel laws, antitrust laws, etc. Everybody knows that a monopoly is not a good thing for everybody that isn't part of the monopoly. Additionally, it leads to stagnation, lack of innovation, etc. The system works to prevent it.

When we look at economic systems like corporations, capitalism has a virtually uncontested monopoly. You can look at the world's countries with capitalist economies like subsidiaries under a common parent company. Now, among economic systems, we don't have any protections. No economic system equivalents of antitrust or cartel laws to protect burgeoning non-capitalist societies. At the same time, if non-capitalist thinking were to rise and spread, it would pose a threat to the profits of the capitalists: For example, if people were to value consumerism less, and share or repair goods instead of always buying more new stuff, profits would fall.

Non-Capitalist societies are the competition, and they are a threat to capitalist societies, in a world that does nothing to protect them. This leads to capitalist societies (mainly the USA) isolating and/or destabilizing them, until they collapse and rise again as capitalist ones.. Or overthrowing non-capitalist societies outright, like in Guatemala. That is, if they even achieve, or are about to achieve, non-capitalist statehood: If a non-capitalist movement in a capitalist country can be suppressed before it takes hold, that is always the preferable option.

Overall, non-capitalist societies are simply not given the chance to develop enough to have an educational and industrial base capable of making great video games.

So, asking what some great games from non-capitalist societies are, is like somebody from a Soviet-style one-party-state asking "What are some great things the other parties have done for us?". Almost nothing. But not because the other parties' ways of thinking have nothing to offer, or because they are inferior; Rather, because they only exist at the fringes of society, as a result of being actively and purposefully suppressed by the ruling party, due to being a threat to them and their goals.

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