Australia is one of the most urbanized country in the world. How does that impact social dynamic there?


CBDgoers all have god complexes and believe they are superior to the neighbourhoods and countryside. Use of English is rare but when spotted is usually associated with purple hair dye. Brisbane is a pretty quiet city so strangely enough the behavioural sink is often more apparent in the suburbs than the CBD. It is not uncommon to see paper-white blue-eyed blond people bragging about being Aboriginal because they have 0.5% indigenous admixture


This is the heartland of hoons (the stupid uncivil cousin of skaters doing burnouts and driving 70kmh in built-up neighbourhoods), eshays (our chavs/wiggers), and triads. Use of English is even rarer here to the point of this being reflected in signage. A large chunk of the population refuses to walk on the left side of the footpath, and so to avoid a collision with somebody walking on the correct side they will instead move even further right off of the footpath.


Meth is more readily available than plumbing, though just barely beaten out by minerals in the atmosphere. The average person drives worse than a hoon which is a shame because they have to drive for hours every day. You cannot grasp how big a country Australia is until you find yourself in a remote area looking for the nearest amenities. The people are nice when sober. They spend much of their lives envying urban folks until they meet them

/r/CANZUKExchange Thread