I discovered k-on after seeing a wild twitter video. The video was a snippet of the girls imitating Death Devil but i interpreted it as cute anime girls fuckin rockin it out for real. I carried on my day and never looked into it again cuz i wasnt big on anime at the time, but i never forgot that clip.

Years later i watched Beyond the Boundary and loved it. I looked up the studio behind it to see what other shows they did. Upon seeing K-On's cover art, i instantly recognized all the girls from that clip i saw years ago and watched it expecting the whole anime to be like that one hardcore clip... But i was pleasantly surprised it was completely different.

K-On was probably everything but hardcore. It was the first anime ive watched that slowed down, made me feel at ease and feel like im literally becoming friends with the cast. It is my favorite anime series of all time, im sad it ended but glad it happened.

/r/k_on Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com