Datura is back

For the past 4 years, I've been getting fixations on certain plants so it felt natural to start cultivating them; bay laurel, dittany of crete, sage, myrtle... mostly sacred and medicinal plants from various culture, not necessarily psychoactive. But with no horticultural experience, I made (and still make) just about every mistake and killed a lot of plants, although I've improved greatly since then. Sometimes I would see the plants in my dreams. Sometimes they would just show up with no context, other times I would see them drowning (due to my bad habit of overwatering) right before they died.

About two years ago, I met an Aya Shaman and started doing ceremonies and learning about the plant spirits. He told me about his experience with Datura which involved being found by the police face down in the middle of a highway at 4 am and taken to a mental hospital for 3 days.

Anyway, late last summer, I noticed my grandmother's neighbor had a flower garden close to the road. There was a plant with big, deep green leaves and white trumpet flowers, it was very imposing, intimidating, and looked powerful. I had only read about datura and never saw it irl. So I looked it up again and sure enough, the spiny seed pods were a sure confirmation. The neighbor, an older gentleman, had no clue what it was, he just called them moon flowers. A few weeks later in autumn, I harvested some open seed pods. This past March I started germinating them, along with Belladonna, Henbane, wild Tobacco, and some other various sacred plants. About a week or two before I planted the Datura seeds I had a dream (recorded in my dream journal). I was in a courtroom as a public observer, waiting for the defendant to show up. The defendant was none other than Datura, on trial for being a serial killer. I never saw the plant in my dream, nor did anything specific happen. It was really just the general context. A few weeks later after the seedlings had sprouted, I received another dream. It involved my high school sweetheart from 20 years ago, whose little brother lost a long, sad battle with cancer and died in adolescence. Datura claimed responsibility for his death. She appeared in my dream large and jovial reminiscent of the plant in "Little Shop of Horrors." The common thread in my dreams of course is that this plant is very dangerous and will kill at will for fun.

My Shaman requested a plant, so I gave him a couple seedlings. My apartment is a converted garage that is literally right next to a busy alleyway and parking lot. I worry about being intruded or getting a car parked in my living room. I planted two seedlings on the side of my apartment in between an acanthus and some spearmint (two other invasive rhizomes) to hopefully contain her in some way. I have no intentions of ever ingesting this plant, but I feel strangely secure with her guarding the perimeter of my abode, like having a vicious attack dog in my service. No doubt she is powerful, and demands respect. It is amazing that this plant can communicate without even being ingested. It is a testament to her eminence.

/r/druggardening Thread