Done playing

Aggressive decks usually have much fewer choices, I don't know what you're talking about or if you've actually ever played a deck like control priest before. Aggro decks have an ideal curve they want to draw into regardless of who the opponent is. Play ideal 1 drop, play ideal 2 drop, etc. Maybe there's a taunt, do I use a spell? Yup. Use the spell. Kill commanded that taunt, wow took a ton of thought. Now go face again. Wow, a huge choice there.

and yes some aggro players are obviously better than others. some over-trade, some don't trade enough, but these aren't very varied choices with many possible outcomes. It's usually just "do I trade or do I go face." that's two options, when in control decks there's dozens and dozens more over the course of a single game.

I don't like being so patronizing in general but it's shocking that anyone could hold this opinion. But let's say I'm a control priest and my draw is circle of healing, injured blademaster, pyro. I have to decide how long to hold onto the pyro to get maximum value, or if I play the circle on blademaster and get one less pyro proc. I have to immediately know what kind of deck my opponent is playing. if it's freeze mage I need to tailor my style to that, or if it's some combo deck, etc. you take more risks in control decks because there's fewer tools to support the style. using lightbomb to get enough value used to be a huge barrier between bad and good priest players, doubly so for auchenai circle nowadays. Or even playing a turn 1 northshire is a huge game changing decision that should only be done against certain classes. When do you really decide not to play your tunnel trogg or fiery bat if you have it on turn 1?

And as for your rock-paper-scissors thing, yes some decks should counter others of course and aggro has a place in that. But for now, scissors is like pre-school circular scissors and rock is like a flaming boulder launched from a catapult. it's highly imbalanced because you get so much value for 1 mana in this game. And every control card in the game is either expensive or very conditional, with only a few exceptions. the nature of card games is that scissors should sometimes beat rock, just not often. I mean, a 2/1 deathrattle give a friendly minion divine shield is a 1 mana minion in paladin. that effect is crazy at 1 mana.

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