Fastest way to translate the whole transcript from Premiere Pro Subtitles?

Translation is not the same thing as interpretation. AI might be able to sort of one to one translate words and sentences, but that doesn't mean they'll make as much sense. Idioms and turns of phrases in English don't necessarily work as a translation, and can be confusing to the native speaker if the translated subtitles. A human fluent in both languages would be able to interrupt these nuances into wording and phrases and sentence structure that works in the other language much better.

Like in English, someone might say "he spilled the beans", and native English speakers tend to know there are no actual beans, it's just a saying...that someone gave away secrets or whatever. But if that's not a saying in Japan, then a word for word translation to Japanese won't work. You'll just confuse people, and they'll wonder what beans, I don't see any beans, there's no beans here this is weird.

I would keep this in mind before you attempt to pawn off your video subtitles into a different language to some cheap or free AI thingy instead of hiring a human being with fluency in interpretation of languages

/r/premiere Thread