Fuck you karen

Can we get an uncensored and uncommentaried video? I hate to be that guy, but we are taking everyone else's word at face value and assuming the worst out of the old lady?

They're censoring the one time she supposedly says the word.

They're also giving her shit because she supposedly pet the dog earlier when she didn't have her dog on her, and now she's complaining the pitbull attacked her dog when the dog was with her. As a pitbull owner myself, I know a lot of dogs treat dogs differently than humans, and that should be extremely obvious. There's a very decent chance the dog was friendly to humans but aggressive to dogs.

This proved nothing, unfortunately. All the important parts and proof behind the accusations are missing. It's the family's word vs the lady's. Not really a fair fight.

/r/racistpassdenied Thread Link - youtu.be