“George loves TLJ”

I'm not denying anything, I'm saying the blame is MOSTLY the media's. Ahmed said the death threats didn't bother him, it was people calling him an uncle tom, something the big media pushed heavily.

i dont think they do it out of malice, its just something most people do without realizing.

And that makes it all the sadder.

I think you missunderstood my comment, im not defending hellogreedo or saying its right, im just showing you that, as stk shouldnt generalize about you guys being pedos because of a minoritie you shouldnt generalize too

The thing is most people on STK openly dislike the Prequels. That isn't a generalization, that's just the situation. I'm fairly certain that STK doesn't generalize STKrait as pedos, I've only seen STKraiters complain about that.

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