Communism is not evil

A bit of a contradiction at the end. One of the big arguments for communism is the fact that, since human nature is malleable, the presence of the state and the capitalist economy we live in makes us worse people and alienates the greater parts of our nature. Also, you can't lump people like Mao and Stalin with communism. They may have labeled themselves as such, but that's like calling Bernie Sanders a socialist. He isn't, and unlike how communism is meant to be implemented, the USSR became communist through a top-down approach without the dictatorship of the proletariat, meaning it still followed a somewhat capitalist model. There would be no such thing as a communist party or dictator in a communist society.

Side note: there are two branches of communism - Marxism and Anarchism - each of which have their subsects.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread