Hextech Janna by citemer

I think I figured out how to get the original quality from pixiv on mobile, but I'm not entirely sure so here's the pixiv link


You've probably seen the first OMG team and OMG Irelia, but his OMG Team 2.

You may know his proportions from his Popstar Ahri, Yasuko, Black Gold Akali, Lissandra, Vayne, Sona/Ezreal, Royal Guard Fiora, French Maid Nidalee, Battle Bunny Ahri, Elise, Mistletoe Leblanc or Tango Evelynn, or maybe from his other stuff: Riven, Ahri, Jinx, Orianna, Shen and Zed, Heartseeker Ashe x Debonair Tryndamere, Piltover Cops, Sisters, Ahri, Girl Sion, Katarina, Riven, Lux, Bunny Girl, Ravenborn Leblanc, Snow White, Challenger Ahri(NSFW)

/r/LoLFanArt Thread Link - i.imgur.com