AAR Megathread 1

Player: /u/awildKiri Character: Minuano GM: The effervescent JackSnipe Run: The Bank Job


Sam finishes recording the brief summary of his last job, the last sentence being, as always: "If you watched this, either you stole my files or I am dead. Not good news either way, but if it's the latter, there is a reward in it for you if you find out what happened."

Stepping away from the blank vidscreen, he looks around the sparse loft he stays in, the place looking like an ill-kept dojo or maybe a really poor exercise room; padded floors and some equipment strewn about, his single bed tucked out of sight in what amounts to the closet. That's when the bokken leaning against the far wall rattles a little and falls over.

"No, I don't feel like practicing. And I'm not talking to you remember."

He speaks out loud, even if he doesn't have to, and makes a distinct show of setting up some weights for a clearly solo workout. If anyone is watching, a boring hour or so passes, the tall ork simply going through a range of exercises as a maintenance workout, but he does seem more and more frustrated throughout.

"No! I'm not talking about it and you have no right to be like that!" comes the eventual outburst, his heavy breathing just making him seem all the more agitated.

More silence as he busies himself with a towel, wiping down the equipment and his own brow before frowning at the rack of training swords. Or perhaps the panoramic painting above it that depicts a snarling bear amidst the forest.

"You can't expect me to protect those who do not need protecting just because they are smaller than me, that's ridiculous and patronizing."


"My feelings don't matter, and I like her precisely because she can fend for herself anyway."

"How is that ridiculous?! Do you like weaklings? Exactly. Now drop it."

Another few moments pass and his expression darkens considerably, his look positively murderous and his tone dropping dangerously low to match.

"You sought ME out, not the other way around. I was just fine without you for the better part of my life. Remember when I said I will not bow to another's will? That includes yours. If I am not a satisfactory protector, find another!"

At that point he'd walk out of easy view, presumably headed for his closet-bed an ignoring any further ghost conversations.


Run Time: 5 hours? Mission Rewards: 16000 nuyen and 4 karma Mission Expenses: 1600 nuyen for rawket rawnchairs, 4500 for a Nippon Steel Nodachi (stats of the Claymore) and 23k for Muscle Toner upgrade from 3 to 4 (not yet installed).

Notes: Mostly interacted with Shizuka, little bit with Primarch and Aletheia, but that's because I am biased towards sidebar text RP. I am glad Voros was planning everything out and let us just emote to our heart's content, but Jack scared us with 40-50 enemies and the planning ultimately proved to be largely superfluous. Lots of fun even still, its cool to feel like proper Shadowrunners planning a proper assault.

Quotes of the session: "You know what happens when you shoot a melon with a high powered rifle?"

/r/shadownet Thread