I [18 M] just realized I may be in an abusive relationship of three years with my [18 F], uh, help?

So it's a little ridiculous that not one comment had a starting point of start a discussion with her and tell HER what you just told us here. Yes, she is being unreasonable, abusive even. But, if you actually love her (and you may just think you do, as others mentioned), you'll trust her enough to tell her how her actions made you feel. I'd suggest writing down specifics, like what you had above, explaining how those actions made you feel, and tell her you don't think that's how lovers interact with and respect each other. If these things don't change, then the relationship is over. Also, very importantly I am not blaming you for anything. I am saying you need to be strong and that you have a choice: if you truly love this woman you have to at least try communicating.

Not everything in a relationship is perfect, and sometimes people (especially younger people) don't have a good grasp on how their actions are affecting their significant other. Communication is the most important aspect of any relationship, you must tell her how you feel and how her actions affect you.

This is chance for many experiences for you:

  1. you gain confidence by standing up for yourself
  2. you gain experience of what it's like to have a hard direct talk with someone you love about really important issues (communication is a skill, it takes practice)
  3. you get to see her side, her reaction. If she blows it off, disrespects you, gets overly defensive, etc then it shows she lacks respect and love for you. (You don't hear something like what you'll say from someone you love and just shit on them further).
  4. She gains a better understanding of how her behavior affects you/others (if you love someone, you sometimes tell them hard truths to help them)
  5. you gain experience of what it's like to work at a relationship, recognize something is wrong and do something proactive and positive about it.
  6. If it does go south, you learn how to walk away the right way. After talking about it like a mature adult, knowing you tried there was nothing more you could do.

Again, not blaming you for anything. If it's too much, and you've already decided to end it... totally fine. She's done more than enough to deserve just flat out leaving her. BUT, if you really want her in your life, if you really do love her (and you may not, as others have mentioned), then you have to communicate your feelings. Put it all on the table, and then it's up to her to love you back by respecting your feelings and working to be a more loving partner to you.

/r/relationships Thread