And I think I’m officially done hate following this woman! I cannot believe how she is referring to incredibly Sick kids and their parents! Get a diagnosis for you anxiety and stop saying you have it without one!

Not saying whatever her child has isn’t terrible but when my baby was born she was rushed off to emergency surgery, had to get a stoma placed for 8 weeks as her bowel was blocked, she was in NICU that whole time and diagnosed with cystic fibrosis. We were home one week and she got admitted again due to her lung collapsing as she aspirated on reflux. She then had to have emergency surgery on her bowel again and 11 months old. I didn’t put any of this on social media. She is so annoying and it makes me cringe. Yeah her child probably has something bad going on but I’m sure they will get to the bottom of it and he will have a healthy life, my child’s medical condition means she will have a much harder life than most.

/r/SarahsDayUnfiltered Thread Link -